Whether you’re promoting your own product or someone else’s product,
here are the 3 key skills you must focus on THE MOST... in order to build,
maintain and grow your online business successfully, starting with...
i. Persuasive Copywriting
Persuasive copywriting is a must-learn skill if you want to succeed in your
online business.
Because you are going to need it to sell in your ads, landing pages, sales
letters, and emails. (Today we're going to focus on your sales copy
Even if you’re not going to write your own copy (which means you’ll be
outsourcing), you need to
learn how to distinguish good copy from bad copy.
As Pete OC aptly puts it, “If you’re not learning copy... and you’re trying to
build a profitable online business... you’re basically wasting your time.”
In case you haven’t heard of Pete, he’s an elite email marketer and direct
response copywriter trained in the art of persuasive copywriting at the
$600-million-a-year email marketing empire, Agora Inc.
Your words are basically your conversation with your target audience. When
crafting your copy, you must focus on the core desires and emotions of your
Many business owners make the mistake of talking endlessly about their
product features and how accomplished they are in their sales copy... thus
leaving much money on the table for their more customer-centric
So instead of talking about yourself and your product, your copy should
revolve around your target audience... meaning you must focus on their pains
and struggles, their dominant emotions, as well as their dreams and
In other words, you must put yourself 'in their world', and use 'their words' to
show them how your product or service can end their pains and/or help them
achieve their aspirations.
To do so, you can refer to your market research earlier on... the part where
you search for relevant niche forums -- where your target audience share
their frustrations and ask for help from the community.
Similarly, look at the 5-star and 1-star reviews (for Amazon), and the Q&As
(for Quora) -- take note of the words that your target audience are using to
describe their aspirations, pains and frustrations... and use those words in
your copy.
The 4 Main Elements of Your Copy:
Your Headline (Grab Attention)
The MOST IMPORTANT element of persuasive copy is your headline. Because
without a compelling headline, the rest of your copy are useless... and no
matter how good your offer is, your readers will never find out.
“On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will
read the rest...” –
But bear in mind, your headline’s job is NOT to sell.
Instead, it is to grab your reader’s attention and make him/her read
the very next line. So how do you craft an attention-grabbing
Firstly, you need to talk about the ONE BIG IDEA.
Is it losing stubborn belly fats without exercising? Is it making $100/day
online without prior marketing knowledge?
An important note here: Don’t try to cram your whole proposition into your
Remember, your headline’s job is NOT to sell. It is to evoke your reader’s
desire and arouse his/her
curiosity to make him read on.
The next step is to focus on a dominant emotion of your reader. Is it fear?
Is it pride? Is it anger? The third step is to determine the level of awareness
of your reader.
Legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz explained it best:
If your reader is aware of your product, and it can satisfy his desire, your
headline starts with the product.
If he’s not aware of your product, but is only aware of his desire, then your
headline starts with the desire.
If he isn’t aware of what he really seeks, and is only concerned with a general
problem, then your
headline starts with that problem and turns it into a specific need.
Brian Clark of Copyblogger wrote a great article on how you can sell to
prospects of different level of awareness here.
Last but not least, determine the hook (angle) to grab your reader’s
For the product-aware reader, you can use a direct benefit claim, such as “Get
Your Six-Packed Abs
In Just 2 Weeks Using [Your Product Name]”.
For the problem-aware reader, you can highlight the nagging problem,
such as “Burn Your Embarrassing Belly Fats Without [Dreaded
For your unaware readers, use the element of surprise or curiosity, e.g. “The
60-Year-Old Ex-Janitor
Who Made $4700 Last Month Just By [Doing Something Simple]”.
So there you go, the 4 key elements in an attention-grabbing headline:
One Big Idea + Dominant Emotion + Awareness Level + Hook
One thing to note though, you may not be able to fit all the 4 elements in your
main headline...
That is why you might want to use a pre-head to address your target
audience, e.g. 'Attention Frustrated Working Moms Who Are Overweight!'
followed by your main headline, e.g. 'Discover How You Can Lose 15 Pounds
Easily in Just 7 Days and Regain Your Gorgeous Figure... Even If You Don't Have
the Time or Energy to Work Out'...
followed by what A-List copywriter Ray Edwards calls the deck copy, to
reinforce the impact of your main headline... 'No, it's NOT another tedious
diet... but instead, it's a ridiculously simple 5-minute routine that will help you
shed your extra pounds at record speed!'
Your Body Copy (Storytelling)
When writing your body copy, it's important to spend more time crafting a
compelling 'lead' (the copy that comes right after your headline).
In fact, your lead is just as important as your headline.
Because if you cannot intrigue or captivate your reader with a compelling lead,
chances are they will not even skim your sales page, much less to read the
whole thing.
On the other hand, if you can keep your reader's undivided attention right
after your headline, they will be motivated to read the next line, and the
next... or at least be interested to skim through... and look at your sub-
headlines throughout the page for something that might interest them.
In short, you get a higher chance of pitching your irresistible offer to them.
One way to write a compelling lead is to start with a story... and think of the
story as a great movie trailer.
Start with a lead that highlights a high point of drama (just like a mind-blowing
trailer). Begin right in the middle of a story.
Then pull your reader further in... by explaining that high point of drama in
your following body copy with more riveting action and intriguing details --
such as how you (or the star of your story) discovered the amazing solution
that solved the pain that your reader is also experiencing right now.
Your Bullets (Benefits + 4Us)
Once you've evoked your readers' dominant emotion with your story, it's time
to present your offer. Show them how they can also solve their problems by
getting your solution.
Use a list of compelling bullets to present the key benefits of your
product... specifically on how they can help your reader solve their specific
problem and achieve their aspiration, lifestyle or status they so desired.
One thing to note though, don't give away everything in your bullets. Give
them just enough information to make them curious... and the only way to
satisfy that curiosity is to buy your product.
Copywriting legend Gary Halbert once revealed to A-List copywriter Scott
Haines that the #1 reason people buy a product is CURIOSITY, which is even
more powerful than self-interest.
To keep your bullets focused and compelling, always remember the 4Us,
i.e. your bullets must always be Useful, Unique, Ultra-Specific and Urgent.
if you incorporate these 4 types of bullets, your reader will be riveted to
every single one of your bullets -- and more importantly, be compelled to
know how they can get their hands on your product... so they can enjoy all
the benefits that you've presented in your bullets.
Your Close (Offer, Guarantee, Bonuses & P.S)
As you guide your reader further with your useful, unique, ultra-specific and
urgent bullets, it is now time to present your irresistible offer and ask for the
Summarize the key benefits of your product again... state the immense value
of your product, and how it can potentially transform your reader's life.
It would also help if you can break down the price (especially when
you're selling something expensive) into smaller daily or monthly
This is to show them how little they need to invest to solve their pains and
achieve their desired outcome.
I'm assuming you're going to offer a product with REAL value, so you should
provide a no-brainer guarantee. At the very minimum, it should be a full refund
if your buyer is not satisfied, or not seeing the results you promised.
There is no recommended minimum guarantee period... you could give a 30-
day, 60-day, or even a 365-day guarantee.
If you're worried about people ripping you off... be assured that such
potential losses are relatively negligible... compared to the amount of sales
that you can get with an irresistible guarantee.
If you wish to reduce potential rip-offs, you can include a quick qualifier to
discourage the not-so- serious people from getting your product, for
'If you're not 100% serious and ready to do some REAL FOCUSED WORK to
transform your stagnant business (in other words, if you're just looking for an
easy shortcut), then this coaching program is not for you.'
The point is, if your product is awesome, you should not hesitate to give a
money back guarantee. Tell your readers that you're the one bearing ALL
the risk by offering your no-question-asked money back guarantee.
You can also give away some free bonuses which are relevant to your core
offer to help close the sale. Just don't throw in some random low quality
freebies that will cheapen your offer.
Tell your readers about the real value of the bonuses that you're offering... and
they would only get
those bonuses from you if they buy your product today.
Last but not least, don't forget to include a powerful P.S. Some believe that
the P.S. is the second most read part in a sales letter.
Due to our ever-decreasing attention span, many people have the tendency to
skip all the way to the bottom (even after reading your captivating headline) --
to check out your offer right away.
That is why you should always end your sales letter with a powerful P.S. -
where you repeat the main benefits of your products, state your offer's
deadline, and remind them of the potential transformation they can
experience by getting your product.
This is just one way of assembling your sales letter. Remember to check out
The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting (or, Every Copywriting Formula
Ever) by elite copywriter and marketer Joanna Wiebe.
Toyib Trans Rent Car 0856 3020 683
here are the 3 key skills you must focus on THE MOST... in order to build,
maintain and grow your online business successfully, starting with...
i. Persuasive Copywriting
Persuasive copywriting is a must-learn skill if you want to succeed in your
online business.
Because you are going to need it to sell in your ads, landing pages, sales
letters, and emails. (Today we're going to focus on your sales copy
Even if you’re not going to write your own copy (which means you’ll be
outsourcing), you need to
learn how to distinguish good copy from bad copy.
As Pete OC aptly puts it, “If you’re not learning copy... and you’re trying to
build a profitable online business... you’re basically wasting your time.”
In case you haven’t heard of Pete, he’s an elite email marketer and direct
response copywriter trained in the art of persuasive copywriting at the
$600-million-a-year email marketing empire, Agora Inc.
Your words are basically your conversation with your target audience. When
crafting your copy, you must focus on the core desires and emotions of your
Many business owners make the mistake of talking endlessly about their
product features and how accomplished they are in their sales copy... thus
leaving much money on the table for their more customer-centric
Online Business |
So instead of talking about yourself and your product, your copy should
revolve around your target audience... meaning you must focus on their pains
and struggles, their dominant emotions, as well as their dreams and
In other words, you must put yourself 'in their world', and use 'their words' to
show them how your product or service can end their pains and/or help them
achieve their aspirations.
To do so, you can refer to your market research earlier on... the part where
you search for relevant niche forums -- where your target audience share
their frustrations and ask for help from the community.
Similarly, look at the 5-star and 1-star reviews (for Amazon), and the Q&As
(for Quora) -- take note of the words that your target audience are using to
describe their aspirations, pains and frustrations... and use those words in
your copy.
The 4 Main Elements of Your Copy:
Your Headline (Grab Attention)
The MOST IMPORTANT element of persuasive copy is your headline. Because
without a compelling headline, the rest of your copy are useless... and no
matter how good your offer is, your readers will never find out.
“On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will
read the rest...” –
But bear in mind, your headline’s job is NOT to sell.
Instead, it is to grab your reader’s attention and make him/her read
the very next line. So how do you craft an attention-grabbing
Firstly, you need to talk about the ONE BIG IDEA.
Is it losing stubborn belly fats without exercising? Is it making $100/day
online without prior marketing knowledge?
An important note here: Don’t try to cram your whole proposition into your
Remember, your headline’s job is NOT to sell. It is to evoke your reader’s
desire and arouse his/her
curiosity to make him read on.
The next step is to focus on a dominant emotion of your reader. Is it fear?
Is it pride? Is it anger? The third step is to determine the level of awareness
of your reader.
Legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz explained it best:
If your reader is aware of your product, and it can satisfy his desire, your
headline starts with the product.
If he’s not aware of your product, but is only aware of his desire, then your
headline starts with the desire.
If he isn’t aware of what he really seeks, and is only concerned with a general
problem, then your
headline starts with that problem and turns it into a specific need.
Brian Clark of Copyblogger wrote a great article on how you can sell to
prospects of different level of awareness here.
Last but not least, determine the hook (angle) to grab your reader’s
For the product-aware reader, you can use a direct benefit claim, such as “Get
Your Six-Packed Abs
In Just 2 Weeks Using [Your Product Name]”.
For the problem-aware reader, you can highlight the nagging problem,
such as “Burn Your Embarrassing Belly Fats Without [Dreaded
For your unaware readers, use the element of surprise or curiosity, e.g. “The
60-Year-Old Ex-Janitor
Who Made $4700 Last Month Just By [Doing Something Simple]”.
So there you go, the 4 key elements in an attention-grabbing headline:
One Big Idea + Dominant Emotion + Awareness Level + Hook
One thing to note though, you may not be able to fit all the 4 elements in your
main headline...
That is why you might want to use a pre-head to address your target
audience, e.g. 'Attention Frustrated Working Moms Who Are Overweight!'
followed by your main headline, e.g. 'Discover How You Can Lose 15 Pounds
Easily in Just 7 Days and Regain Your Gorgeous Figure... Even If You Don't Have
the Time or Energy to Work Out'...
followed by what A-List copywriter Ray Edwards calls the deck copy, to
reinforce the impact of your main headline... 'No, it's NOT another tedious
diet... but instead, it's a ridiculously simple 5-minute routine that will help you
shed your extra pounds at record speed!'
Your Body Copy (Storytelling)
When writing your body copy, it's important to spend more time crafting a
compelling 'lead' (the copy that comes right after your headline).
In fact, your lead is just as important as your headline.
Because if you cannot intrigue or captivate your reader with a compelling lead,
chances are they will not even skim your sales page, much less to read the
whole thing.
On the other hand, if you can keep your reader's undivided attention right
after your headline, they will be motivated to read the next line, and the
next... or at least be interested to skim through... and look at your sub-
headlines throughout the page for something that might interest them.
In short, you get a higher chance of pitching your irresistible offer to them.
One way to write a compelling lead is to start with a story... and think of the
story as a great movie trailer.
Start with a lead that highlights a high point of drama (just like a mind-blowing
trailer). Begin right in the middle of a story.
Then pull your reader further in... by explaining that high point of drama in
your following body copy with more riveting action and intriguing details --
such as how you (or the star of your story) discovered the amazing solution
that solved the pain that your reader is also experiencing right now.
Your Bullets (Benefits + 4Us)
Once you've evoked your readers' dominant emotion with your story, it's time
to present your offer. Show them how they can also solve their problems by
getting your solution.
Use a list of compelling bullets to present the key benefits of your
product... specifically on how they can help your reader solve their specific
problem and achieve their aspiration, lifestyle or status they so desired.
One thing to note though, don't give away everything in your bullets. Give
them just enough information to make them curious... and the only way to
satisfy that curiosity is to buy your product.
Copywriting legend Gary Halbert once revealed to A-List copywriter Scott
Haines that the #1 reason people buy a product is CURIOSITY, which is even
more powerful than self-interest.
To keep your bullets focused and compelling, always remember the 4Us,
i.e. your bullets must always be Useful, Unique, Ultra-Specific and Urgent.
if you incorporate these 4 types of bullets, your reader will be riveted to
every single one of your bullets -- and more importantly, be compelled to
know how they can get their hands on your product... so they can enjoy all
the benefits that you've presented in your bullets.
Your Close (Offer, Guarantee, Bonuses & P.S)
As you guide your reader further with your useful, unique, ultra-specific and
urgent bullets, it is now time to present your irresistible offer and ask for the
Summarize the key benefits of your product again... state the immense value
of your product, and how it can potentially transform your reader's life.
It would also help if you can break down the price (especially when
you're selling something expensive) into smaller daily or monthly
This is to show them how little they need to invest to solve their pains and
achieve their desired outcome.
I'm assuming you're going to offer a product with REAL value, so you should
provide a no-brainer guarantee. At the very minimum, it should be a full refund
if your buyer is not satisfied, or not seeing the results you promised.
There is no recommended minimum guarantee period... you could give a 30-
day, 60-day, or even a 365-day guarantee.
If you're worried about people ripping you off... be assured that such
potential losses are relatively negligible... compared to the amount of sales
that you can get with an irresistible guarantee.
If you wish to reduce potential rip-offs, you can include a quick qualifier to
discourage the not-so- serious people from getting your product, for
'If you're not 100% serious and ready to do some REAL FOCUSED WORK to
transform your stagnant business (in other words, if you're just looking for an
easy shortcut), then this coaching program is not for you.'
The point is, if your product is awesome, you should not hesitate to give a
money back guarantee. Tell your readers that you're the one bearing ALL
the risk by offering your no-question-asked money back guarantee.
You can also give away some free bonuses which are relevant to your core
offer to help close the sale. Just don't throw in some random low quality
freebies that will cheapen your offer.
Tell your readers about the real value of the bonuses that you're offering... and
they would only get
those bonuses from you if they buy your product today.
Last but not least, don't forget to include a powerful P.S. Some believe that
the P.S. is the second most read part in a sales letter.
Due to our ever-decreasing attention span, many people have the tendency to
skip all the way to the bottom (even after reading your captivating headline) --
to check out your offer right away.
That is why you should always end your sales letter with a powerful P.S. -
where you repeat the main benefits of your products, state your offer's
deadline, and remind them of the potential transformation they can
experience by getting your product.
This is just one way of assembling your sales letter. Remember to check out
The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting (or, Every Copywriting Formula
Ever) by elite copywriter and marketer Joanna Wiebe.
Toyib Trans Rent Car 0856 3020 683
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